AMPERE 3rd General Assembly
The AMPERE consortium was unable to meet in person due to the current global Covid-19 outbreak developments but has successfully adapted to the situation and has shown resiliency once again by gathering virtually via a specialized platform.
Even for a good reason, the consortium missed its original physical meeting format because the main priority for all partners is to stay healthy and keep working toward achieving all AMPERE's goals.
The consortium convened for 2 days to discuss the project status and development. Topics covered were as follows:
Tuesday, 28 September 2021:
- General status.
- Automotive and railway use cases.
- Multi-criteria optimization: Energy, time, and resilience.
- Run-time Parallel Framework: Time predictability and heterogeneous computing, energy, and resilience.
- Operating System.
- Hypervisor.
- System Design and Computing Software Ecosystem Integration.
Wednesday, 29 September 2021:
- Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation.
- Management.
- Deeper technical discussions.
Each work package (WP) leader presented status, updates, progress, and future plans. The coordinator, as well as all partners, gave valuable comments and feedback to work efficiently in synergy to develop the project. The workshop achieved its goals to align strategies and define immediate next steps. Therefore, the time invested by all partners was very productive as all expectations were met.

Main photo by Headway on Unsplash.