AMPERE Project Showcases Fault-Tolerant Applications Through OpenMP at the 10th BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium
Adrián Munera, a computer scientist, presented his research on "Fault-tolerant applications through OpenMP" at the prestigious 10th BSC Severo Ochoa International Doctoral Symposium in Barcelona on May 10, 2023. The presentation highlighted the latest advancements in fault tolerance using the OpenMP programming model, which is closely related to the AMPERE project.
The Symposium, held from May 9-11th, was a free event where researchers from various fields gathered to discuss original research, recent developments, and strategic insights. The participation of Munera's research in the symposium demonstrated the commitment to promoting cutting-edge research and fostering collaboration among experts in the field.
Attendees, particularly PhD students, early-stage PostDoc researchers, and late-stage MSc students, had the opportunity to engage with fellow researchers and learn more about fault-tolerant applications and the OpenMP programming model during Adrián Munera's presentation.

For more information about the 10th BSC Severo Ochoa International Doctoral Symposium, visit the Symposium website.