AMPERE published in HiPEAC info 61
The AMPERE article titled "AMPERE: A Holistic Approach for Real-Time, High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems" was featured on the HiPEAC magazine 61st edition. The article delves into the nature of Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS) and its requirements to achieve certain levels of performance, but also the fulfillment of non-functional requirements like dependability, real-time response, resiliency, safety and energy-efficiency.
Subsequently, the article explains what exactly the AMPERE project is developing and the key innovation of the AMPERE software architecture as well as its capability to fulfill the non-functional requirements (i.e., real-time, safety, energy-efficiency, security, reliability). Moreover, the components of the software architecture and both use-cases used to test AMPERE are briefly explained, the later are Intelligent Predictive Cruise Control (PCC) and Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System (ODAS).
Read the full article (page 6) here.
The HiPEAC Info magazine
The HiPEAC Info magazine is a quarterly publication providing the latest news on the activities within the European HiPEAC network, as well as activities on high-performance embedded architectures and compilers at large.The magazine is sent to more than 500 researchers from academia and industry, and company managers in Europe, America, and Asia.
Photo: Cover of HiPEAC info 61 magazine.