Chattanooga, TN, United States

Our senior researcher Sara Royuela has been invited to give a talk on Open MP parallel programming model. She is reflecting on the need to adapt the Open MP model to high-performance computing.

Samos, Greece

Sergio Mazzola is presenting at this key international confernece in embedded computer systems.

Ghent, Belgium

AMPERE takes part in this key annual conference: 

Budapest, Hungary

AMPERE has a strong presence at  the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general-purpose, embedded and cyber-physica


Tommaso Cucinotta, from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, co-chaired the workshop "17th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance C

ISC 22 Conference - Hamburg

Sara Royuela, AMPERE's researcher, is presenting a poster at the workshop organised by the Women in High Performance Group.

Garching, Germany

BSC and UPC PhD student Bartomeu Pou, presented at the ESA_ESO SCIOPS Workshop.

Brno, Czech Republic (on-line event due to Covid-19)

AMPERE's researchers are taking part in the 37th edition of the ACM/SIGAPP International Symposium on Applied Compputing.

The AMPERE consortium is presenting a paper titled 'Enhancing OpenMP Tasking Model: Performance and Portability' in the 'Papers Session II: Tasking Extensions I' on 14 September 2021 at IWOMP 2021. 
Novi Sad, Serbia.
The AMPERE consortium is making a presentation titled 'Resource Management Issues in the ELASTIC and AMPERE European Projects' at CERCIRAS ECI Forum on 3 September 2021.