Awards for AMPERE at MECO and CPS&IOT 2023
The 12th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO2023) & 11th International Conference on Cyber-Phyisical Systems (CPSIoT’23) were held in Budva, Montenegro, from 6-10th of July.
During this year’s event, over 500 authors from 5 continents, 50 countries and 154 different institutions participated in the conference, producing 128 papers whicht total to 750 pages of conference proceedings. During the conference, next to these presentation of the papers, the participants had the opportunity to listen to 3 keynotes, as well as participate in 30 different sessions, 15 sections and attend 15 project disseminations.
AMPERE partner EVIDENCE was awarded Distinguished Paper in "Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things (CPS&IOT2023) for its paper "Towards a RISC-V Open Platform for Next-generation Automotive ECUs". Authors included Luca Cuomo, Claudio Scordino, Alessandro Ottaviano, Nils Wistoff, Robert Balas, Luca Benini, Errico Guidieri, Ida Maria Savino, Towards a RISC-V Open Platform for Next-Generation Automotive ECUs".

More information on the award can be found here:
Read the paper here: