AMPERE's advancements in 2020
Before a new year begins it is always a good exercise to reflect upon what has been accomplished so far. Thus, new goals can be identified and carried out taking into account learning experiences and new challenges.
Globally, 2020 was a year full of surprises. The AMPERE consortium made progress in the face of adversity by showing how vital resilience is to continue building a better future. Some examples of the work progress done are:
- Events: The project attended several conferences such as ISORC 2020, DATE 2020, LCTES 2020, SPLASH 2020, and a HiPEAC workshop about “SoS integration with CPS” that provides advice to the EC on the engineering practices and tools needed to support applying SoS to CPS, among others.
- Magazines, podcasts, and blogs: AMPERE was featured in the HiPEAC info 61 magazine, the Embedded Computing Design blog, which receives more than 700 blogs read each year by more than 125,000 engineers worldwide, and Embedded Executive podcast, which counts with more than 6,000 weekly subscribers.
- Technical progress: The AMPERE project has made progress regardless of the challenges encountered due to the Covid-19 outbreak and it was disseminated in the news section in the form of news articles, some of these are: 'Performing modeling of heterogeneous automotive systems,' 'Low-Overhead Energy Estimation for Energy-Aware Online Scheduling Techniques,' PikeOS implements OpenMP API support for Easier Programming for Parallel Heterogeneous Platforms' and 'AMPERE's Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System (ODAS) by the use of CAPELLA.'
- Website new sections: New sections were developed on the website containing technical information such as the Use Cases, Software Ecosystem pages as well as other pages including useful information about the project such as the Industrial Advisory Board.
- Publications: All publications have been published on the website.
All of the previous information was shared on the project's social media accounts on Twitter (daily) and LinkedIn (weekly).
AMPERE's partners have come a long way and are ready and motivated to continue with the project's progress. The consortium is starting a new 2021 year looking for opportunities to develop and accomplish all goals efficiently.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.